We understand that the path towards a more just and sustainable global economy demands collaboration — not silos. We’re focused on bridging gaps through partnerships that promote speed and scale. We are also committed to building upon and amplifying existing robust research, concepts, and methods that underpin impact management, sustainability-related disclosures, and financial reporting.

Learn more about our position on collaborating with the sustainability ecosystem that guides much of our work.

We welcome new partnerships and encourage you to reach out to explore ways we may be able to collaborate. Contact us.

Value Balancing Alliance

Responding to the call to action by the G7 Impact Task Force Report, Time to Deliver, to work toward “accounting for impact as a destination,” IFVI and the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) began collaborating to develop one common impact accounting methodology for the public good as well as to advocate for adoption globally. We believe that impact accounting significantly improves transparency about how companies create value — for all stakeholders. Our partnership has already accelerated consolidation in the ESG space by working to merge the impact accounting methodologies of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Project at Harvard Business School and VBA. Learn more about this partnership

GSG Impact

IFVI is a GSG Impact transparency initiative, which allows us to plug into the GSG network to achieve significant scale. GSG Impact works with its global community to support the international adoption of impact transparency and our impact accounting methodology. We partner with GSG Impact to promote uptake through knowledge-sharing events, workshops, and pilot programs globally.

GSG Impact is a global organisation founded on the belief that investment done well can benefit all people and planet. The global influence of the GSG is built on a unique and growing group of National Advisory Boards representing 41 countries. A further 30 NABs are under development, many in lower and lower-middle-income countries.

Impact Management Platform

IFVI is a Partner of the Impact Management Platform, a collaboration between the leading providers of standards and guidance for managing impacts to clarify and mainstream the practice of impact management. To achieve this, these organizations are working together to clarify the meaning and practice of impact management, promote interoperability between their existing sustainability resources, and engage with policymakers and regulators in the process.