IFVI is guided by an exceptional Board of Directors whose backgrounds ensure the credibility, excellence, and global applicability of our work.

Our Board members draw on decades of experience in regulatory bodies, sustainability standard setters, corporates, and investors.

The IFVI Board is chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen, Co-Founder of IFVI and the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG), and Co-Founder and Chair of The Portland Trust.

The Board and Board Committees meet quarterly. 

Board of Directors

Cambria Allen Ratzlaff

Chief Responsible Investment Ecosystems Officer for the Americas and APAC, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI); Co-Chair, Human Capital Management Coalition

Yael Almog

General Counsel and Management Committee member, Bank Hapoalim; Former CEO, IFRS

Eric Archambeau

Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Astanor Ventures

Ibukun Awosika

Former Chair, First Bank of Nigeria; Member of the Governing Board, Convention on Business Integrity; Member of the Board of Directors, Cadbury Plc

Dolika Banda

Independent Non-executive Director, Harith Infrastructure Investment; Global Ambassador, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG); Former Director, International Finance Corporation

Clara Barby

Senior Partner, Just Climate; Former CEO, Impact Management Project (IMP); Advisor, IFRS Foundation on establishment of ISSB and its merger with SASB-IIRC

Alan Beller

Senior Counsel, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP; Board of Directors, Travelers Companies, Inc.

Vania Borgerth

Deputy Head of International Relations, Brazilian Committee of Sustainability Pronouncements (CBPS); Board Member, International Ethics Standards Board for Accounting (IESBA)

Sir Ronald Cohen (Board Chair)

Co-Founder, President of GSG Impact; Co-Founder, The Portland Trust; Co-Founder, International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (IFVI)

Saori Dubourg

CEO, Grenier AG; Former Chair, Value Balancing Alliance Steering Committee; Former Member of Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE

Eelco van der Enden

CEO, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); Former Global ESG Platform Leader for Tax, Legal, People & Organisation Services, PwC

Roger Ferguson

Former President and CEO, TIAA-CREF; Former Vice-Chair, US Federal Reserve (1999-2006)

Janine Guillot

Former CEO, SASB Foundation; Former Special Advisor to the Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Allison Herren Lee

Former Commissioner, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Adjunct Professor, NYU Law School; Senior Research, Institute for Corporate Governance and Finance

Robert Herz

Former Chair, FASB; Founding Member, IASB Board; Board Member, SASB (and its successor the Value Reporting Foundation)

Hans Hoogervorst

Former Chairman, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB); former Minister of Finance, Netherlands

Rt. Hon. Nick Hurd

Chair, G7 Impact Taskforce; Chair, Access Foundation for Social Investment; former UK Government Minister

Myung-soo Kang

Distinguished Professor, Seoul National University of Science & Technology; former Chairman and CEO, Korean Standards Association; Steering Committee Member, G7 Impact Task Force; former Standing Commissioner, Korea Trade Commission (KTC)

Karen Karniol-Tambour

Co-Chief Investment Officer for Sustainability, Bridgewater Associates; Member, Impact-Weighted Accounts Project Advisory Council

Conor Kehoe

Chair, UNPRI; Former Chairperson, International Integrated Reporting Council; Board Member, Value Reporting Foundation (VRF); Member, G7 Impact Taskforce; Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Co.; Senior Advisor, BlackRock

H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein

Chairman and CEO, LGT Private Banking; Founder and Chairman, Lightrock; Founder, LGT Venture Philanthropy

Tracy Palandjian

CEO and Co-Founder, Social Finance; Member, Impact-Weighted Accounts Project Advisory Council

Paul Penepent

Head of Group Financial Reporting and Accounting, Novartis; Chair, Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) Steering Committee

George Serafeim

Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; Co-Chair, Impact-Weighted Accounts Project at Harvard Business School

Ken Shibusawa

CEO, Shibusawa and Company, Inc.; Founder and Chairman, Commons Asset Management; Founder and CEO, &Capital, Inc.; Member, Council of the New Form of Capitalism; Special Advisor to the Chair, ISSB

Stefano Zambon

Secretary General, Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (OIBR); Full Professor of Business Administration, University of Ferrara

Weiguo Zhang

Professor, Tsinghua University; Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Former Board Member, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB); Former Chief Accountant and International Director, China Securities Regulatory Commission